epa vic

Breakfast Webinar Success!

Zoom webinar with Gadens, iEnvi, Vic EPA | New VIC General Environmental Duty from 1 July

It was an extremely popular webinar with our Managing Director Michael Nicholls this morning over Zoom!

A big shout out to everyone who attended our 8 am start and heard (and asked questions) about the New Victorian General Environmental Duty and environmental laws that came into effect on 1 July 2021.

We had over 50 attendees joining the star panel speakers who included:

iEnvi wanted to address this topic based on client demand and partnered with Gadens and with a guest speaker from Vic EPA Victoria  to cover a range of topics for our clients relating to the new laws and Q&A  including:

  • an overview of the new laws and regulations and how they are being rolled out
  • new responsibilities and requirements under the new laws and guidelines
  • how EPA Victoria is enforcing the new requirements
  • case studies of how companies are adapting to the laws
  • practical steps of how your business can adapt and protect itself from non-compliance and the large new penalties and enforcement

If you missed the seminar then please email us at [email protected] to request a copy of our presentation/material from the seminar.

★ Be sure to book in for iEnvi's next industry seminars as they become available- stay posted because these are well worth it!

For innovative solutions that are focused on giving you the very best outcome, contact our expert team of environmental consultants today.



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