Waste and Beneficial Reuse Sustainable Solutions

Resource Recovery Environmental Reuse
Analysis and management of used road aggregate suitable for reuse at new development site

Waste can be costly, and bad for the environment. We specialise in navigating environmental regulations in relation to reuse, and waste management strategies to reduce cost and find more sustainable solutions.

Major cost savings can be made with a little extra ingenuity when it comes to managing your property developments, environmental approvals and waste soil.

Often when constructing a new building, removing underground storage tanks, building a new sports field or remediating contaminated soil the method has often been to get soil off site directly to landfill, then to purchase new soil for fill, landscaping, turf and other requirements.

With good soil science expertise, most soil can be redesigned or reused for beneficial purposes either on the property construction or in nearby developments. This can potentially save hundreds of thousands of dollars and delivers a much more sustainable approach.

iEnvi and partners think outside the box and always look for ways to minimise stress on our client’s pockets, while importantly maximise a more sustainable development approach to managing large development projects and contaminated site remediation.

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