Articles posted by Michael Nicholls

waste removal fill assessment

 iEnvi was engaged by a developer to conduct preliminary site investigations and soil sampling at two properties in Angle Vale South Australia. The developer had acquired two large agricultural properties in South Australia, and wished to convert them into residential townhouse village developments, and environmental investigations were required for due diligence and development approval of

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iEnvi were engaged by a petroleum distribution client to complete a lease baseline investigation for the lease renewal for a property and continued operation as a petrol station, including compliance with the Protection of the Environment Operations (Underground Petroleum Storage Systems) Regulation 2014.   The primary objective of the lease baseline investigation was to inspect

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Snowy Mountains groundwater

Groundwater monitoring was required by the NSW Office of Environment and Heritage, due to a decommissioned underground storage petroleum storage (UPSS) at a ski lodge in Perisher Valley (within Snowy Mountains National Park).   Groundwater was sampled by iEnvi at the request of a Ski Lodge company. The sampling was conducted using low flow sampling

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Water treatment Solutions

iEnvironmental Australia (iEnvi) was contacted to determine whether existing groundwater and surface water dam water quality was suitable for use in livestock watering and feedstock irrigation. Principal Environmental Scientist Michael Nicholls travelled to the Mt French QLD farm to collect the water samples from three sources. Water from two dams was sampled using the grab

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Recently iEnvironmental Australia (iEnvi) was contracted by a Sydney western suburbs Council to manage waste contaminated soil at a sports park in NSW. Soil excavated at a sportsfield had been excavated for light footings. The soil contained elevated polychlorinated biphenyl concentrations and asbestos and fill rubble, associated with historical industrial fill, and environmental consultants had

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iEnvi was engaged to develop an operational environmental management plan (OEMP) for an automotive recycling company in south-west Brisbane, Queensland. The OEMP was required as part of their development application for converting the site into a wrecking yard and adding additional features for stripping. This was a low risk site, that had minor contamination from

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iEnvironmental Australia (iEnvi) was recently engaged by an architect firm to conduct a preliminary site investigation on a property they wanted to convert into a child care centre. Preliminary site investigations are required for obtaining development consent for most projects. The developers requested a desktop only preliminary site investigation, and as such, a site visit

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iEnvironmental Australia recently conducted a preliminary site investigation (PSI), soil sampling, and subcontracted a geotechnical investigation for developers as part of their obligations under their development planning permit, just outside Ballarat in Sebastopol, Victoria. We delivered a full PSI of the 4.1 Ha site with 30 soil bores to 5m depth, soil sampling, and geotechnical

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Major cost savings can be made with a little extra ingenuity when it comes to managing your property developments, environmental approvals and waste soil. Often when constructing a new building, removing underground storage tanks, building a new sports field or remediating contaminated soil the method has often been to get soil off site directly to

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Remediation of Land SEPP 55

Changes are on the way. In NSW, the key to planning for the remediation and development of contaminated sites for the last 20 years has been the State Environmental and Planning Policy (SEPP) 55, which is finally being changed to the new Remediation of Land State Environmental Planning Policy (SEPP). Here are some of the changes

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