As a young man, I didn’t know what I wanted to do, from computer engineering switching over to what I thought was an outdoors focussed Environmental Science degree, and a little bit of volunteer work in ecological assessments. But I really cut my environmental teeth in the Persian Gulf on an unplanned opportunity via a
read moreBlanks are artificial samples (made up of ultra-pure MilliQ water) used to trace sources of contamination which may be introduced to samples: During handling and transportation; During sampling in the field (from contaminated equipment); and During laboratory preparation and analysis. Based on the potential contamination sources listed above, there are various blanks used to identify
read moreiEnvi was engaged by a development company to complete a Construction Environmental Management Plan (CEMP) for a fast food restaurant in a rural town in NSW. Preparation of a CEMP prior to receiving a Construction Certificate was listed as a development approval condition for the major chain fast food restaurant development. The site specific requirements
read moreiEnvironmental Australia (iEnvi) is Open for Business in the office and the field, as we carefully follow the Commonwealth Department of Health adviceand relevant State guidance on COVID-19. We hope our clients and contractors are staying safe, as we also highly value our team’s safety. Like everyone, we are adjusting to keep everyone safe during
read moreiEnvi was engaged to conduct a Targeted Soil Investigation (TSI) to delineate historical lead from a former rifle range, for a portion of a recreational property proposed to be developed into a sports field development for a local government north of Brisbane. The purpose of the TSI was to delineate the extent of lead contamination
read moreThe Australian and New Zealand governments have collectively established and promoted guidelines to manage both countries water quality for over 25 years. (previously referred to as ANZECC & ARMCANZ 2000) assist water practitioners with tools and guidance to assess, manage and monitor the water quality of aquatic systems in Australia and New Zealand As of
read moreFrom February to May 2019, iEnvi was engaged by an inner western Sydney Council in a resource recovery program to reuse road asphalt as engineering fill for the planned development of new sports fields and courts at a reserve. In New South Wales, resource recovery orders and resource recovery exemptions allow some wastes to
read moreiEnvi was engaged to complete an Operational Environmental Management Plan (OEMP) to be implemented and managed by an auto vehicle storage and container packing company to unload, store, modify and pack vehicles for the purpose of new auto vehicle storage and container packing for export business. The OEMP was prepared to document environmental controls that
read moreGroundwater monitoring was required by the NSW Office of Environment and Heritage, due to a decommissioned underground storage petroleum storage (UPSS) at a ski lodge in Perisher Valley (within Snowy Mountains National Park). Groundwater was sampled by iEnvi at the request of a Ski Lodge company. The sampling was conducted using low flow sampling
read moreiEnvi has extensive experience in Australia and overseas in providing innovative and proven technologies, and tailor-made teams of remediation experts and technologies to maximise success, using a procurement model that minimises cost for: Remediation Action Plans, Long Term Environmental Management Plans. Water Treatment Solutions and Technologies. Groundwater and Soil Remediation. Landfill Remediation and Containment Design.
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