iEnvi was engaged by a metal recycling facility to complete a Site and Environmental Management Plan (SEMP), also known as an Operational Environmental Management Plan (OEMP), to meet the required conditions of a planning permit for a site they were occupying. A desktop review was undertaken and assessed against environmental regulations. Potentially contaminating activities onsite
read moreiEnvi was engaged by a development construction company to prepare a construction environmental management plan (CEMP) for a service station development in the Mid-north Coast of NSW. The development could not proceed without approval from the local Council, which required a CEMP to be prepared. iEnvi were able to complete a CEMP for the development
read moreiEnvi previously prepared a long term environmental management plan (LTEMP) for a coatings manufacturing facility after a detailed site investigation (DSI), remediation and validation of soil groundwater were completed, to set out the principles for long term environmental management of residual solvent hydrocarbon contaminated groundwater and soil at the site. The LTEMP was also a
read moreiEnvi was engaged by a panel beating company to complete an Operational Environmental Management Plan (OEMP) to meet the requirement conditions of a development approval for a site they were planning to occupy in Innerwest Sydney.A desktop review was undertaken and assessed against environmental regulations. Potentially contaminating activities associated with assembling, repairing, renovating, finishing, cleaning,
read moreiEnvi was engaged by a client to complete an acid sulfate soil management plan (ASSMP) of a residential property in Sydney, NSW. The client proposed the development of a granny flat at the rear of the existing residential property and required an ASSMP to satisfy the conditions of a development application. A desktop review was
read moreiEnvi was engaged by a private client to complete a Preliminary Site and Further Delineation Investigation (PSI and FDI) for a Section 53V Audit of a residential property to provide additional site information that would address data gaps identified by an Auditor in a previous contamination assessment for the site which would assist in
read moreiEnvi was engaged by a development company to complete a Construction Environmental Management Plan (CEMP) for a fast food restaurant in a rural town in NSW. Preparation of a CEMP prior to receiving a Construction Certificate was listed as a development approval condition for the major chain fast food restaurant development. The site specific requirements
read moreiEnvi were engaged by an engineering firm on behalf of a regional council to undertake a Construction Environmental Management Plan (CEMP) and components of an Environmental Impact Statement (EIS) for the construction of a sports complex. The CEMP was required for development approval of the site. The construction processes included clearing of existing vegetation, major
read moreA Pollution Incident Response Management Plan (PIRMP) is a plan that can be immediately implemented following a pollution incident to reduce risks to human health and the environment. It is a legislative requirement for all Environmental Protection Licence holders in NSW to have a PIRMP in accordance with section 153A of the Protection of the
read moreiEnvi was engaged by a brewing company to complete an Operational Environmental Management Plan (OEMP) for a new brewery in a regional city in NSW. The new brewery included a warehouse for brewing and packaging beer and cider and a wastewater treatment plant (WWTP) and the brewing company required an OEMP for the site
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