
iEnvi has undertaken soil vapour sampling, using the implementation of the ASC NEPM, to identify potential risks of vapour intrusion regarding human exposure on various sites. Vapour intrusion is vapor-forming chemicals migrating from a subsurface source into an overlying building as well as basement carparks, trenches/pipes and conduits.  The requirement for vapour assessment as part

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operational environmental management plan

iEnvi was engaged to complete an Operational Environmental Management Plan (OEMP) to be implemented and managed by an auto vehicle storage and container packing company to unload, store, modify and pack vehicles for the purpose of new auto vehicle storage and container packing for export business.  The OEMP was prepared to document environmental controls that

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environmental test for property purchase

iEnvi were engaged by a client to complete a limited soil investigation for the purpose of pre-purchase due diligence at a property currently used as an open car parking facility, intended for redevelopment as a materials storage and a soil conveyor system. The purpose of this PSI and soil investigation was to assess if there

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asbestos due diligence

A major coal mining client engaged iEnvironmental Australia to undertake asbestos monitoring in accordance with an existing Asbestos Management Plan, which required annual inspection of a single electrical control room asbestos sheeting.   A local contractor we work with regularly was engaged and iEnvi specialists project managed and reviewed their report, to save on the

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waste removal fill assessment

 iEnvi was engaged by a developer to conduct preliminary site investigations and soil sampling at two properties in Angle Vale South Australia. The developer had acquired two large agricultural properties in South Australia, and wished to convert them into residential townhouse village developments, and environmental investigations were required for due diligence and development approval of

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iEnvi were engaged by a petroleum distribution client to complete a lease baseline investigation for the lease renewal for a property and continued operation as a petrol station, including compliance with the Protection of the Environment Operations (Underground Petroleum Storage Systems) Regulation 2014.   The primary objective of the lease baseline investigation was to inspect

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Snowy Mountains groundwater

Groundwater monitoring was required by the NSW Office of Environment and Heritage, due to a decommissioned underground storage petroleum storage (UPSS) at a ski lodge in Perisher Valley (within Snowy Mountains National Park).   Groundwater was sampled by iEnvi at the request of a Ski Lodge company. The sampling was conducted using low flow sampling

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The NSW Environmental Protection Agency (EPA) updated the Contaminated Land Management Compliance Statement in July 2018. The purpose of this update was to set out specific powers and tools that the EPA can use to enforce compliance with the Contaminated Land Management Act 1997. Let’s take a closer look at those powers and tools. The

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BEWARE: Sometimes excavated natural material (ENM) or virgin excavated natural material (VENM) classification and reporting isn’t done right, or it is done correctly but other soil is picked up by contractors. This can result in potentially contaminated soil being used as clean fill on development sites. iEnvi staff were engaged as part of a team

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One uncertainty regarding per‐ and polyfluoroalkyl substances (PFAS) is the total oxidisable precursor assay (TOPA). TOPA aims to detect PFAS precursor compounds by oxidising samples to see whether or not they develop into regulated (and easier to detect) PFAS compounds – indicative of whether there are regulated PFAS compounds at a site that might later emerge

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