
park recreation site investigation

In early 2019, iEnvi completed multiple preliminary site and soil investigations at recreational use parks in inner Sydney suburbs prior to a series of playground upgrades and installations. From a review of historical information and soil sampling, iEnvi identified that the soil at the parks was potentially exposed to contaminants within the last 50 years.

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Contaminated Sites Evaluation

iEnvi was engaged by a client’s legal department as part of a merger and acquisition due diligence to undertake preliminary site investigations (PSIs) at seven industrial drilling and hydraulic maintenance sites in NSW for the purpose of environmental due diligence. A company wished to purchase the sites and required an assessment of the level of

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soil reuse environmental consulting

iEnvi was engaged by a childcare centre development company to undertake soil sampling at a residential site prior to the construction of a new childcare centre in Morningside, Queensland. Development approval had already been received for the construction of the childcare centre, however, the company were seeking to confirm the soil on site was not

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housing development application

iEnvi was engaged by a client to undertake a preliminary site investigation and soil sampling (PSI) at a property in Sydney, NSW for the purpose of obtaining development consent for utilising the property for housing. The property was previously used for residential purposes before becoming vacant land and the client wished to develop it for

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soil sampling environmental consulting

iEnvi was engaged by a client to undertake a preliminary site investigation and soil sampling (PSI) at a property in North Western Sydney, NSW for the purpose of obtaining development consent for utilising the property as a place of worship. The property was previously used for agricultural purposes and the client wished to develop it

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acid sulphate soil investigation

An industrial development in Hastings was planned in an area of acid sulfate soil occurrence which required vigilance and attentive management. Acid sulfate soils are naturally occurring along Victoria’s coastal zone and if left undisturbed, are generally non-threatening. However, when exposed to air, acid sulfate soils produce sulfuric acid and soluble iron which can be

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roadway contamination recovery

  From February to May 2019, iEnvi was engaged by an inner western Sydney Council in a resource recovery program to reuse road asphalt as engineering fill for the planned development of new sports fields and courts at a reserve. In New South Wales, resource recovery orders and resource recovery exemptions allow some wastes to

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operational environmental management plan

iEnvi was engaged to complete an Operational Environmental Management Plan (OEMP) to be implemented and managed by an auto vehicle storage and container packing company to unload, store, modify and pack vehicles for the purpose of new auto vehicle storage and container packing for export business.  The OEMP was prepared to document environmental controls that

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environmental test for property purchase

iEnvi were engaged by a client to complete a limited soil investigation for the purpose of pre-purchase due diligence at a property currently used as an open car parking facility, intended for redevelopment as a materials storage and a soil conveyor system. The purpose of this PSI and soil investigation was to assess if there

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asbestos due diligence

A major coal mining client engaged iEnvironmental Australia to undertake asbestos monitoring in accordance with an existing Asbestos Management Plan, which required annual inspection of a single electrical control room asbestos sheeting.   A local contractor we work with regularly was engaged and iEnvi specialists project managed and reviewed their report, to save on the

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