Construction & Environmental Monitoring

iEnvi staff have significant experience supporting construction and infrastructure projects both regionally and within metropolitan areas. This experience includes multi-million dollar projects expanding across rail, road, development and mining sectors, as well as large development construction projects for terminals, industrial and Council sportsfields.

Through this, iEnvi understands that the construction process requires a different, more dedicated, approach to ensure Client milestone and contract time frames are met smoothly and consistently while minimising Client risk. 

To achieve this, iEnvi provides each project with a dedicated Project Director, Project Manager, field team and subcontractors which will be retained for the duration of the project to ensure all staff are across all aspects of your project.

Milling Road Asphalt for Reuse
Milling road asphalt for reuse as engineering fill

Construction projects are far from a 9-5 and occur 24 hours a day, 7 days a week. iEnvi recognises this and provides each project with a dedicated contact who can assist during all construction hours to ensure unexpected environmental issues are dealt with at the time, not the next business day.

In addition, for construction projects on infrastructure and large developments iEnvi offer construction environmental management support for:

  • Construction environmental management plans (CEMP)
  • Contamination investigations (PSI, DSI)
  • Reclaimed land/ property acquisitions due diligence
  • Erosion and sediment control plans (ESCP)
  • Acid sulfate soil investigation and management plans (ASSMPs)
  • Resource recovery and waste minimisation and management
  • Dewatering modelling and hydrogeological investigations
  • Groundwater monitoring, level logging and dewatering treatment
  • Deposited dust monitoring
  • Regulator liaison, stakeholder management and client support
  • Waste classification
  • Resource recovery/Beneficial reuse and waste exemptions

iEnvi staff have a proven track record of providing environmental services from early in the planning process through to the end of construction and beyond.

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Some of the organisations our expert team have helped

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