State Government grants to adopt digital technology

Digital innovation grant success


State Government grants to adopt digital technologyCongratulations to our head office team on being awarded a Queensland Government Small Business Digital Grant by the Department of Employment, Small Business and Training. While our Environmental Scientists have been busy at your site, our head office has been focussed on getting the word out and improving our efficiency through digital technologies as iEnvi continues to grow nationally. This small business grant will help us to continue to support and develop the “boring stuff” in the back office, and provide our innovative approaches into the wider market..

It is especially important during the current COVID-19 pandemic as we avoid doing face to face meetings with clients and coffee catch ups, to help them remember we exist for when they need contaminated land assistance. We are striving to keep all staff employed and busy throughout the disruption and our clients serviced without disruption.

Thank you to the Queensland Government for your support for our growing business!



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