Targeted Soil Assessment coastal residential development

Former Oyster Farm Investigation for Residential Development

coastal residential development
The soil at the site of proposed residential development, look at that view!

iEnvi was engaged by the client to complete a Targeted Soil Assessment relating the footprint of a shed previously located onsite. This was required by the council to assess the suitability of the site for the proposed residential development. The shed site covered an area of land during previous soil investigation and the underlying soil beneath the shed was not sampled. This 'data gap' necessitated additional soil sampling. Anecdotal information indicated that the site had prior remediation works, to manage apparent coal tar/creosote contamination associated with historical oyster rack processing. After soil sampling, the laboratory showed high polycyclic aromatic hydrocarbons (PAHs) indicating potential residual coal tar from the historical oyster farm treated timber. By analysing the range of PAHs and requesting further analysis of phenol compounds, iEnvi was able to determine the PAHs were not associated with coal tar and were likely asphalt fragments in the surface soil. Based on the sample results, the overall site conditions were considered suitable for human health, that environmental risks are low and the site is suitable for low-density residential use.

soil-sampling-oyster-farmiEnvi completed a detailed study of the potential for coal tar in what at first glance appeared to be PAH indicators. Further analyses were able to confirm no residual coal tar had been detected and the PAHs were likely low level associated with asphalt fragments. This detailed analysis allowed the development consent to be approved by Council and the client to complete their residential development.

Sadly we didn't find any pearls...




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