iEnvi were engaged by a client to complete a limited soil investigation for the purpose of pre-purchase due diligence at a property currently used as an open car parking facility, intended for redevelopment as a materials storage and a soil conveyor system. The purpose of this PSI and soil investigation was to assess if there is potential for current or former activities to have resulted in ground contamination which would impact on the proposed re-development prior to purchase.
Soil sampling and a site inspection were conducted and targeted at both shallow soils across the site, and deeper soil in the vicinity of proposed excavation works for a soil conveyor system. Historical fill activities were identified as likely undertaken by the current property owners based on site investigation findings, with some ACM apparent in fill and minor concentrations of TRH and PAH in the saturated zone suggests the potential contamination of groundwater.
iEnvi also identified three existing groundwater monitoring wells and were able to record the groundwater level during the site inspection. This data, along with the onsite soil investigation, identified that the proposed excavation pit depth for a soil conveyor system will likely involve groundwater inflow and require management in the pit during development construction.
Based on the results of this investigation, iEnvi were able to recommend the following for the proposed development works:
- An asbestos management plan to cover both development construction and long term management of soil for managing the potential widespread ACM impact at the site;
- Groundwater assessment was not part of the scope of this investigation, however, iEnvi were able to determine the potential risk for groundwater due to concentrations of TRH and PAH in the saturated soil in the area of the proposed excavation pit will require management during development construction of the pit
- Sampling of potentially impacted groundwater accumulating in the proposed excavation pit (excess groundwater may need to be disposed of as contaminated groundwater); and
- There is no duty to report the contamination onsite under Section 105 of the NSW Contaminated Land Management Act 1997 if an asbestos management plan is developed for the site.
iEnvi were also able to provide an insitu waste classification report from the results of the soil investigation which outlined the potential soil wastes to be dealt with onsite during redevelopment including potential offsite disposal.
If you require a fast preliminary site investigation or detailed site investigation for a development approval or finance requirements, contact an expert iEnvi by emailing [email protected]