Guidelines for Water Quality, ANZG 2018

Revision to the ANZG 2018 for Fresh and Marine Water Quality


Guidelines for Water Quality, ANZG 2018The Australian and New Zealand governments have collectively established and promoted guidelines to manage both countries water quality for over 25 years. (previously referred to as ANZECC & ARMCANZ 2000) assist water practitioners with tools and guidance to assess, manage and monitor the water quality of aquatic systems in Australia and New Zealand

As of 2018, the ANZECC & ARMCANZ 2000 has been updated and referred to as the Water Quality Guidelines, ANZG 2018 (the guidelines). This enhancement reflects new science and knowledge accumulated over the past two decades and is now easily accessible on a user-friendly interactive website platform (

Since the preceding revision in 2000, recent scientific data and techniques for establishing default guideline values (DGVs), and for monitoring and assessment, have become more readily available. The updated DGVs present water practitioners with new information regarding physical and chemical (PC) stressors as well as toxicant parameters where adverse risks to the environment and community may arise if these factors are exacerbated. Furthermore, the updates have allowed for site-specific derivations of toxicant and PC guideline values which examine local contexts such as ecoregionalisation and the importance of cultural and spiritual values associated with water.

Lastly, the updated Water Quality Management Framework provides a logical approach to identifying and managing key water quality issues. To understand and manage complex natural systems well, the first essential step of the Water Quality Management Framework is to develop conceptual models to understand how systems function and correctly identifying indicators for water/sediment quality as well as during system monitoring and assessment.

Step-by-step guidance is provided in the adoption of the Water Quality Management Framework for the following situations or typical uses:

  • Developing a water quality management plan;
  • Applying for a development approval;
  • Assessing a waste discharge;
  • Investigating an unexpected event;
  • Assessing a remediation study (for sediments and waters);
  • Conducting a baseline study; and
  • Implementing a broadscale monitoring program.

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