Sportsfields and Landfills

Sportsfield Construction
Sportsfield Construction

Our landfill team has strong experience in landfill hydrogeochemistry, assessment, remediation, design, management, and monitoring, coupled with expertise in sportsfield and open space design and soil specification.

iEnvi is now one of Australia’s fastest organically growing consultancies with offices in Sydney, Melbourne, and Brisbane and more than 100 supporting specialist consultants.

We work with experts from universities, individuals and companies to form the best team for providing innovative approaches, without the overheads of corporate structures and offices.

Understanding Land Systems

Often our parks, sportsfields and open spaces are underlain by historical filling activities or landfills. Our multidisciplinary team has expertise in helping government bodies and private companies address problems associated with managing active and former landfills, as well as developing on top of them and mitigating environmental risk in ongoing operations.

  • Sportsfield redevelopment projects
  • Landfill remediation
  • Landfill monitoring and assessment
  • Human health and ecological risk assessment
  • Groundwater and hydrogeological modelling
  • Remediation of contaminated soil and groundwater, and practical solutions for contaminated water reuse
  • Beneficial reuse of/and redesign of existing soils, minimising waste and import of quarried material
  • Groundwater approvals for landfill, quarry, infrastructure and mining projects

Landfill Leachate and Groundwater

Landfill in Canberra
Landfill in Canberra
  • Assess and model groundwater/surfacewater/leachate interactions including water balance models, flows and transport modelling
  • Design leachate and groundwater monitoring and control systems
  • Monitoring / sampling
  • Management Plans
  • Modelling: SURFER, FEFLOW, MODFLOW/MT3D, WBNM, RINVERT, Groundwater VISTAS, Bioscreen, R, Biochlor, WINFLOW
  • Design Leachate water treatment and reuse systems

Landfill Gases

  • Landfill gas extraction systems
  • Landfill gas monitoring and modelling
  • Landfill gas migration assessment
  • Landfill gas management/extraction/ treatment systems design

Landfill Design, Capping, Gas and Leachate Extraction

  • Design capping using innovative sustainable and significantly cost-effective approaches
  • Combine landfill management during sportsfield design and construction
  • Review of environmental factors
  • Construction environmental management plans
  • Hydrogeological studies
  • Geotechnical evaluation and construction design
  • Strategy for community consultation
  • Contamination assessment and EPA liaison
  • Cut and fill plans
  • Stormwater design
  • Conceptual landscaping design
  • Options for water treatment and reuse
  • Landfill gas system, capping, leachate extraction management system
  • Sportsfield and landfill construction design document and drawings
  • Turf and soil design including sand-slit drainage
  • Contamination risk assessment and monitoring
  • Provision of tender for construction and review
  • Ongoing environmental support

Waste Management

  • Beneficial reuse of waste
  • Soil recovery, transformation and reuse plans
  • Excavated waste innovative waste disposal
  • Waste innovative disposal and reuse costing and management

Sportsfield Design

  • Review of environmental factors
  • Soil, turf, and drainage design
  • Construction environmental management plans

Ongoing Management

  • Site monitoring programs
  • Long term Environmental Management Plans
  • Contamination assessment, remediation and risk assessment

Water Treatment

  • Leachate extraction and treatment systems
  • Irrigation / leachate treatment and reuse approval application, design and modelling
  • Cost effective / small footprint treatment systems

Environmental Engineers in Australia

Human activities over the past century have harmed our environment, hence the need for environmental engineers in Australia. We help your business face tough challenges when old contamination or new contamination has affected the environment, or to help prevent contamination and maintain compliance in properties or businesses you manage.

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  • construction environmental management plan (CEMP) - for managing environmental risks during construction.
  • operational environmental management plan (OEMP) - for managing operational environmental risks for a business or facility.
  • long term environmental management plan (LTEMP) - for ongoing management of pollution such as capped or contained contaminated material, a contaminated site that may present a risk to maintenance workers or soil excavations, or ongoing monitoring of potential or known contamination.
  • Fuel system management plan or Environmental Protection Plan (EPP) - often required for underground petroleum storage systems (UPSS) such as service stations or depot sites, where risk controls are mandated to prevent petroleum contamination to the ground.
  • Acid sulfate soil management plan (ASSMP) - these can be for during development construction or for long term management to prevent the risk of metals and contamination from acid sulfate soils.
  • Asbestos management plan (AMP) - these can be for during development construction or for long term management to prevent the risk of known asbestos in building materials or soil.
  • Groundwater management plan (GMP) - for contaminated groundwater management.
  • Dewatering Management Plan (DMP) - for management of groundwater during deep excavations such as basement carparks during property developments.

What to Expect from iEnvironmental Australia Regarding Environmental Assessment

We are an environmental consultancy that was formed by experienced contaminated land practitioners. After years of consulting, we’ve finally developed the perfect solutions and strategies for environmental assessment in Australia. We are dedicated to providing exceptional service and using the latest developments in environmental sciences.

  • We provide environmental due diligence services to ensure your project meets the requirements. As such, we do a preliminary and detailed site inspection and then provide fast, standardised pricing for diligence and liability. We’ll do a background check on the property, accessing records from the environmental and government databases.
  • Contaminated water is a serious problem and poses a threat to human and environmental receptors. Our team will investigate the source and provide an innovative solution. Whether it’s water on the surface, underground or adjacent to your site, we’ll use the best suited technological advancements to develop a solution for you. Our professionals will investigate aspects of groundwater and hydrogeology and determine the risks. We’ll provide the necessary information to prevent unwanted expenses while remaining compliant.
  • We have a team dedicated to sports fields and landfills. It’s common to find sports fields, parks and open spaces that have a history as landfills or filling activities. The knowledge and experience of our team assist businesses or government organisations to manage active and previous landfills. If you’re considering building on the site, then one of our staff will help mitigate the environmental risk in ongoing operations.

We’re unlike other consultancy firms as we integrate with other professionals from universities, research organisations, and other consultancies to find the best solution.

About iEnvironmental Australia

We’re an organisation that has been assisting other businesses with environmental consultancy. We are trained to deal with soil and water contamination, assessment and remediation and water treatment. We have offices in Brisbane, Sydney, and Melbourne with partnership offices in Adelaide and Perth. Hence, we’re perfectly positioned to assist any organisation across the country with environmental contamination.

Our goal is to be recognised as a leader in Australia’s contamination industry with our service and innovation. We do that by decreasing the environmental impact and financial risk during a project with our strategies. We have a record of dealing with multi-billion-dollar projects along with residential advice right down to contributing to pro-bono cases. We own a list of well-known clients, both commercial and government, that have enlisted our services. One of our values is to maintain honesty and integrity with our clients. Ultimately, we want to help preserve our environment through qualified and experienced individuals while ensuring their safety through the process.
Contact us for your next project to ensure you’re conserving the environment.

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Some of the organisations our expert team have helped

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